Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Two e-mails in one day!?
This is just a reminder that today is the last day to enter the tournament that is being held this weekend. It is not a league tournament, but if you are a member you get in for half price, $9 per event. They offer doubles and singles up to NTRP 4.5, and an open mixed doubles. If you want to enter you should reply to this letter with your name, the event(s) you want to play, and a phone number where you can be reached. You will be able to pay at the tournament before your first match. Don't forget to vote for officers next year, the ballot is in your inbox. See you tomorrow at 8, and have a good day.

Ben Hawkins

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Hey guys,
I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend, and that all of you can come out today at 4 and play some tennis. The tournament next weekend is still accepting entries, and you can pick one up at league. The cost is only $9 per event, which is a very good deal. Tennis league officer postions are still open for next year, so if you want to be an officer, send us an e-mail today. We will be sending out the list of candidates for you to vote on tomorrow. Thanks, and have a good week,
Ben Hawkins.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

What's up guys?
Rumours of my death have been greatly exaggerated. I just haven't sent out a letter in a while. Remember, if you don't get one, we still have league every Wednesday and Sunday unless it rains. So, we are having league tomorrow at 8, and next Sunday, and so on and so forth.
It's not too late to sign up for the BCS Spring Bash tournament. It is the weekend of April 30/May 1. If you want a flyer/entry form, we will have them at league. The regular entry fee is $18 per event, but if you give your entry directly to Sharif, you can get in for half price ($9 per event.) Singles, Doubles and Mixed are offered at several levels. It's still not too late to be an officer next year.
We are still accepting entries for all positions - president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and committee. If you want to run, send us an e-mail or tell one of the current officers at league, but please do so in the next week or so, so we will have time to vote.
Thanks, and have a good day,
Ben Hawkins

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Today is wednesday so you know what that means. Tennis league at 8 tonight. The weather should be nice, so come on out. Have a good day,
Ben Hawkins

Hey guys,
I hope your week is going well, and that you can make it out to tennis tonight from 8 to 11. The weather is supposed to be nice, so I'll see you tonight, thanks,

Ben Hawkins

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Hey guys,
Today is Sunday, and you know that could only mean one thing, tennis league meets from 4 to 7 today at the Varsity courts. Since daylight savings time ends today, don't forget to set your clocks forward one hour, or else you'll be late to league. Thanks, and have a good day,
Ben Hawkins











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