Thursday, May 11, 2006

Howdy ags,
This is the last email of the spring semester. To recap on the highlights, we had a lot of people participate in the Rotary Club tournament, we won the Texas Sectionals, and we WON THE NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP AGAIN!!! The results are in, here are your new officers for the 2006-07 school year:

President: Austin Butler
Vice President: Soda Heng
Treasurer: David Hoover
Secretary: Kyle Koehler
Commity Member: Jonathan Burkes

Congratulations to those who won, and thanks to everyone who ran for a position. It was probably overall the best election we've had in years! On behalf of this year's officers, thanks for a great year! It's been my pleasure to be president for the last two years, and I look forward to passing on the torch to all of these guys and seeing what great things are to come for Texas A&M Tennis Club! Everyone have a great summer, play lots of tennis, and we'll see ya'll next fall!

Matt Sumrall











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