Wednesday, October 11, 2006

The pools are here... Hey Everyone the pools are here and ready to be checked out...if you are not on it and want to be let us know by Wednesday night, if you want to be removed let us know (

The pools are only for active members (have paid).
Instructions on reporting scores will be posted here soon.

These pools are for fun and for practice but they are also to help determine your club standings for later in the year. So do the best you can and we are looking forward to a great season.

Good luck AND HAVE FUN

Thanks Jonathan

Remember the first week begins this Thursday.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Howdy guys and gals. This is the first post of the fall semester. The fightin' Texas Aggie tennis club is about to get in to full swing (I know you guys like the pun)... anyway, we will be having our first meeting of the year at the intramural tennis courts from 8-11 p.m. I hope to see each and every one of you out there, for its gonna be a blast. I know each and every one of us is ready to serve up another year of amazing tennis. No matter what your skill level, you should still come out to the courts and check us out for a smashing good time. Besides the fact that I'm totaly filling this post w/ random tennis terms, I hope you see you all there for our first official sceduled meeting time. We will give you guys more details beforehand so you all know whats going on. Again, hope to see each and every one of you studs there on Wednesday!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Howdy ags,
This is the last email of the spring semester. To recap on the highlights, we had a lot of people participate in the Rotary Club tournament, we won the Texas Sectionals, and we WON THE NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP AGAIN!!! The results are in, here are your new officers for the 2006-07 school year:

President: Austin Butler
Vice President: Soda Heng
Treasurer: David Hoover
Secretary: Kyle Koehler
Commity Member: Jonathan Burkes

Congratulations to those who won, and thanks to everyone who ran for a position. It was probably overall the best election we've had in years! On behalf of this year's officers, thanks for a great year! It's been my pleasure to be president for the last two years, and I look forward to passing on the torch to all of these guys and seeing what great things are to come for Texas A&M Tennis Club! Everyone have a great summer, play lots of tennis, and we'll see ya'll next fall!

Matt Sumrall

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Howdy folks,
Last weekend Tennis Club represented A&M well with 4 teams competing in the Texas Sectionals tournament. 26 teams from schools all over the state competed. 3 of our teams made it to the Championship bracket (top 8 teams). A&M #1 won the whole thing in dramatic fashion, literally beating UT ( t.u., whatever) by ONE POINT in a supertiebreaker in the finals. A&M #2 won consolation in the championship bracket. Team #3, I don't know exactly where ya'll ended up, but ya did good! Team 4 took 3rd place in the silver bracket. Great job to everyone who played this weekend! And thanks to any others that came out to support us. Full results and pictures here. On to nationals!

Also, tomorrow (Thursday, March 8th), both men's and women's varsity tennis teams play at the same time out at the varsity courts. The men will be taking on Florida State while the women play TCU. It's rare and always a blast to have both teams playing at once, twelve courts of great tennis! So get out there at 6 PM to support our Ags! See everyone there!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Hey everybody,
Hope everyone had a GREAT break and played a lot of tennis! More than likely you sat around inside all day like me and didn't play at all, or maybe you went skiing or something. Whatever the case may be, it's time to get back into the swing of things. Unfortunately, we are NOT having tennis club tonight (Wednesday). We will start everything back up this Sunday at the usual time, 4-7, out at the intramural courts. Hope to see everyone out there. We've got a lot of great stuff planned for this semester to stay tuned.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Hey y'all (hehe),

Hope you are all having a splendid week so far. Also, I forgot to mention last time, how about that awesome aggie football team: keeping it that close against tech and actually making a few touchdowns is quite impressive (ahem, NOT). Those of you that know the answer to this, fill it in: It is not surprising that we got killed because A&M -----. Anyway, practice tonight from 8pm to 11pm at the intramural courts. Hope to see everyone there. Have a wonderful day till then.


Saturday, November 05, 2005

Hey people,

Hope you all had a good week and weekend. Practice tomorrow from 4 to 7pm. See you there.


Friday, November 04, 2005

Hey tennis clubbers,
We're playing UT's (t.u., wronghorns, whatever your pleasure) competitive tennis club team tomorrow morning (Saturday) at 8:30 AM. Yeah I know its Saturday and its really early, but it'd be awesome if we get a little homecourt support. So if you find yourself with nothing to do come tomorrow morning, head out to the intramural courts to cheer on your fellow tennis club as we BTHO t.u. in tennis.

Also there's a varsity tournament going on this weekend, both guys and girls. Girls are at the Varsity courts and guys are out at Pebble Creek. If you get a chance you should go watch some of that tennis action as well. Anyways, everyone have a great weekend and hope to see ya'll out there at some point.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Hey Guys,

How's it going? Hope everyone had a great weekend. I also hope you all had a great time watching our awesome aggies get STOMPED by the lowly Iowa State. Anyway, practice tomorrow from 4 to7 pm at the varsity courts. Be there.


Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Hey guys,

Yes I know this is very very very very late. I am sorry. Please forgive me, I know not what I do, please forgive me, I can't stop .... yeah right. Did I just type that? Wow. Practice tonight. See you there.












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