Thursday, May 05, 2005

Well, elections results are finally in.
It's my pleasure to announce the following 2005-2006 Tennis League Officers:

President: Matt Sumrall
Vice President: Omon Dibua
Treasurer: Kari Casares
Secretary: Odion Dibua
Committee: Selyna Nunez
Ballboy: Matt Sumrall

Omon had the following to say:
I am glad you voted me to be your vice president and I proudly accpet the position. I promise I will not let you down; I promise I will serve you to the best of my ability, and I guarantee you will not regret it. You know, all my life i have wanted to be the vice president of the tennis league and now I finally get a chance to. I am very happy and excited for the opportunity.

Soda also would like to thank everyone who voted for him, as I'm sure all of the other candidates would like to do as well. It was a great, close election, with VP only winning by a couple of votes. Thanks to all who voted.

Well, we had our last meeting tonight, so thats it for this school year! The men's varsity team is hosting the NCAA National Tennis tournament later in May, go to for ticket info, it'll be some great tennis. There's no official stuff going on over the summer, but if you're going to be in town, I know theres a few other folks that would like to hit. If you're graduating, best of luck to you, its been a pleasure having you out at league. Otherwise, I look forward to seeing all of you next fall!


Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Hey guys,
The last tennis league ever is tonight, from 8 to 11. It has been a very good year, and I want to thank everyone for their support. From the Woodlands to Regionals, we had a lot of fun this year. Today is also the very last day to vote. Some of the races are very close, so if you haven't voted, please do so. Take a study break tonight and come play some tennis. If you can't make it, good luck on finals, and have a good summer. Thanks,
Ben Hawkins

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Hey guys,
Sorry to say, but we've cancelled league today. Many of the officers and regular participants are still playing the tournament this weeked. It really is quite nice outside though, so you should go play anyways. The intramural courts should be open at 4, but I can't make any promises about that. Anyways, there will definitely be one last league before school lets out, that'll be this Wednesday. Good luck getting ready for finals, don't forget to vote, and see ya'll wednesday!











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