Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Greetings Ladies and Gentlemen,

How are you all faring? Very well I presume. This is to inform you all that the Texas A&M Tennis Club will be practicing tomorrow night (or tonight for most of you) between the hours of 8:00pm and 11:00pm. We would be delighted to have everyone present so please be there promptly and try to be very peachy. Goodnight lads.


Sunday, September 25, 2005

Hey guys,

How was your Category 5 (I mean 1) hurricane experience? Hope everyone is still in one piece. For those of you that were here in College Station, I hope you all stayed indoors, away from the gusty winds and raging storms that blew off all two of those leaves from the trees. Anyway, as you all probably already figured, there is no practice tomorrow because we are very concerned about everyone's safety. We should be back to the normal cycle on Wednesday for sure. I am still yet to send out the contact information for the different pools but don't worry, that will go out very soon. Anyway, that's it for now. Have a wonderful sunday and watch out for the fury of whatever is left of the hurricane.


Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Hey ya'll (yeah, it's my day to be southern),

Let's see how many times I can use "ya'll". Hope ya'll are having a splendid week so far. For ya'll freshmen, I hope ya'll are enjoying ya'lls first test week here at A&M. Isn't it just exciting? As ya'll know, we officially started the matches on Sunday. A lot of ya'll played ya'lls matches but we had a few that did not show up, or called / e-mailed us saying they could not play on Sunday. Well, ya'll still have to play ya'lls two matches. However, because it is the first week, we are going to give ya'll till next Wednesday (a week from tomorrow) to complete ya'lls two matches. After the first week, it is going to be a lot more strict (or stricter, hehe) and ya'll will have to complete both matches in one week or get penalized. I am still putting together a contact list and the schedules for all the pools and once I have that ready, which should be tomorrow at the latest, I will send it out so that ya'll can call each other and schedule ya'lls matches.

Also, as usual, we have practice tomorrow from 8 to 11pm at the INTRAMURAL courts; the ones right behind the varsity courts. I think that is about it for now. Please try to play your matches, it is very important for the smooth running of the club and for us to come up with a ranking system. I think that's about it for now. Please let me know if I am missing anything (haha). Hope to see ya'll tomorrow. Well, let me reconstruct that; hope ya'll can come to practice tomorrow. I can't really say "I hope to see ya'll" because that would be blatant lying. Nah, just kidding, can't wait. Have a wonderful night / day till then.

I used "ya'll" 18 times on my day to be southern, I am proud.


Saturday, September 17, 2005

Hey People,

How's it going? Hope everyone had a great week / weekend. I am sure most of you are happy about the sucky A&M team actually winning a game against a very very very good school (yeah right). First of all yeah, you know what, yeah. Secondly, tomorrow is the absolute deadline to pay dues so please, if you don't mind, pay tomorrow.

Now, about the matches; that's right, get excited because tomorrow will be the start of your downfall (hehehehehehe). Just kidding. Seriously though, for those of you that have paid and signed up to play (or try to play) on the competitive team, please, be there at 4pm. If you cannot make it at that time, please send us an e-mail as soon as possible (before practice) so that we can let you know what matches to play and who to play. Remember, as was said in the invisible contract you signed, you are committing to playing two matches per week and will be severely penalized if you break the contract.

Now, for the really exciting part, we have the pools made. They were made as fairly as possible so em .... yeah. We are very nice people so we are going to leave you in suspense for a while. I will send them out tomorrow. That should be it for now.

Practice tomorrow from 4pm to 7pm. As usual, bring the usual stuff. Since the matches officially start tomorrow, everyone must wear a white polo shirt and red shorts; you will not allowed into the courts otherwise. Yeah right, just kidding. Wear whatever you want, and the simirk from last week. See you out there.


Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Hey Meneeren y Mevrouwen,

How's your week going? Great I hope. For those of you that have started taking tests and stuff like that, hope you are acing them. I'm sure you are because all tennis players are smart; well, except for a few of us. Well, I know you know what this e-mail is for so I am not even going to bother. Here's some other information you need to know though:

I think that's about it. Oh, and by the way, just to know that I said it, we have practice tomorrow, Wednesday September 14th, from 8 to 11pm. As usual, bring your tennis apparel and a smirk (no more smiles, I am sick of teeth). Have a good night and a good day tomorrow.


Sunday, September 11, 2005

Hey People,

Hope the rest of your week went amazingly well. How could it not after meeting so many nice people on Wednesday, hitting sooo many winners and even pegging some people (that's right, you know who I am refering to, or at least he / she knows). Anyway, we are meeting today from 4:00pm to 7:00pm so please, everyone should come out ready to play some tennis; And as usual, bring yourself, a friend and .... yeah, need I say more. Hope to see ya'll there. Have a wonderful day till then.


Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Hey Guys,

How's it going? Hope everyone is having a splendid semester so far. If you are not, well, then try to do something about it before tomorrow because by tomorrow, we are going to help you do something about it. How? Well, we just found something you would love: Andy Roddick's Mojo ... nah, just kidding. That is by far the WORST commercial ever by the way.

Anyway, get excited because in about 24 hours, the Texas A&M Tennis Club officially kicks off for the 2005 - 2006 year. We have our first practice / meeting / whatever else you want to call it tomorrow, Wednesday September 7th, at 8:00pm. We are meeting at the Texas A&M Tennis center (almost directly behind Reed Arena). If you don't know where it is, just drive around Reed Arena until you see a bunch of lights; drive towards the lights until you hit something, then get out and walk through the gates where you will see a bunch of happy people with racquets. That is where we meet.

DATE: Wednesday, September 7th, 2005
TIME: 8:00 pm
PLACE: Mitchell Tennis Center

We are going to have balls and water and all that good stuff so all you have to bring is yourself with tennis clothes, tennis shoes, a tennis racquet and a SMILE. We look forward to meeting and getting to know everybody. Have a wonderful day.

Odion Dibua











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