Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Hey y'all (Second southern day of the semester),

How are y'all doing? No, no more of that, some people are going to kill me if I do the southern thing again. How is everyone's week going? Splendidly I hope. If not, oh well, suck it up ... oops, I meant, hang in there, it will get better. We have practice tomorrow from 8 to 11pm so please, be there. I will not accept any excuses, other than the almighty not wanting you to be there a.k.a. rain. So, if you are not planning on coming, start praying; your chances are looking pretty good right now though.

About the matches ... please, send your scores in as soon as you can, or whenever you get the chance. If I find that you sent it more then 30 minutes after your match, you will be penalized one point per minute. Anyway, hope to see Y'ALL at the courts tomorrow. Have a wonderful 29 hours, 28 minutes and 52 seconds till then. Look at that, my master's degree is actually good for something.


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