Saturday, October 29, 2005

Hey Guys,

How's it going? Hope everyone had a great weekend. I also hope you all had a great time watching our awesome aggies get STOMPED by the lowly Iowa State. Anyway, practice tomorrow from 4 to7 pm at the varsity courts. Be there.


Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Hey guys,

Yes I know this is very very very very late. I am sorry. Please forgive me, I know not what I do, please forgive me, I can't stop .... yeah right. Did I just type that? Wow. Practice tonight. See you there.


Saturday, October 22, 2005

Hey guys,

How is everyone's weekend going? Very well I hope. The tennis club meeting tomorrow is going to be from 5pm to 8pm at the intramural courts. Why 5pm to 8pm you wonder? Well, as most of you probably already know, Texas A&M is hosting the ITA regionals this year and are using the courts till right before 5pm. Anyway, if you have any questions or complaints, give me a call. Have a good night and hope to see everyone at the courts tomorrow.


Tuesday, October 18, 2005


As usual, we have practice tomorrow from 8pm to 11pm at the intramural courts. Also, please try to sign up for the tournament because, the more people we have, the better the draws will turn out. Finally, we are going to ... , no I think that is it. See you at practice tomorrow.


Saturday, October 15, 2005

Hey guys,

Practice tomorrow at 4pm.

Play matches.

E-mail scores in.

Have a good night / day.

See you tomorrow.


Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Hey y'all (Second southern day of the semester),

How are y'all doing? No, no more of that, some people are going to kill me if I do the southern thing again. How is everyone's week going? Splendidly I hope. If not, oh well, suck it up ... oops, I meant, hang in there, it will get better. We have practice tomorrow from 8 to 11pm so please, be there. I will not accept any excuses, other than the almighty not wanting you to be there a.k.a. rain. So, if you are not planning on coming, start praying; your chances are looking pretty good right now though.

About the matches ... please, send your scores in as soon as you can, or whenever you get the chance. If I find that you sent it more then 30 minutes after your match, you will be penalized one point per minute. Anyway, hope to see Y'ALL at the courts tomorrow. Have a wonderful 29 hours, 28 minutes and 52 seconds till then. Look at that, my master's degree is actually good for something.


Sunday, October 09, 2005

Hey Chaps,

How's it going? Hope you all had a blast watching the awesome "Texas Aggie Football Team" (sssss .... I mean whoop) get clobbered by Colorado. I guess it is okay because they are a very good and highly ranked team ... oh no wait, no they're not. But they played well though, so that should make you feel better; or we could say what really happened, we just plain stunk and could not keep the ball in our hands, even when there was no fly there to distract us. Okay enough of that, before I get fired.

We have practice tomorrow, or I guess today (either way, on Sunday) from 4 to 7pm and hope to see everyone there. The weather is supposed to be perfect so please, try to make it out. We are going to have pizzas for the first ten people; actually, we are going to have stories about pizzas from yesterday so be there early. Anyway, for those playing matches, please keep playing and don't forget to e-mail your scores in. For those that haven't played any matches, please try to (hehe). Anyway, have a great day till then and hope you can ALL make it out.


Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Hey Lads,

Hope everyone is having a great week so far and enjoying the beautiful weather. I am sorry about the complications from Sunday; it is just kinda hard when nature is messing with you, can't do much about it. Anyways, I am sending this e-mail because I love typing e-mails to huge groups of people. Also, we have practice tomorrow, Wednesday, from 8pm to 11pm at the intramural courts. Try to get there early because the courts are on a first come, first served basis. I hope to see everyone out there; it really makes my day when I do (hehe, pshhhh, sorry I tried really hard to say that with a straight face, or with a straight type ... what a dork, yeah I know). Anyway, have a great day and night and day and evening till then.


Sunday, October 02, 2005

Hey guys / girls,

We are sorry about the way things worked out because of the slight shower we had here. However, the rain has stopped and the courts should be dried, or at least most of them should so we are going to have practice today from 5 to 7pm (or thereabouts). We understand that most people really want to play tennis today (hehe) so we are going to be out there at about 5pm. Please show up if you still can and we hope to see everyone there.


Saturday, October 01, 2005

Hey girls (I figure it is only fair since I used guys last time),

How are you and how is the weekend going? What do you think about our awesome (yeah) aggies opening a can on Baylor? Oh wait, that did not happen. Anyway, hope everyone enjoyed the "game", if I can call it that. Enough of that. We have practice tomorrow, from 4 to 7pm at the varsity / intramural courts; we are going to meet at the varsity courts though.

Commercial break start
Word for / from your Vice President: THE YANKEES ARE IN THE PLAYOFFS ... WOOHOO
Commercial break end

About the matches, we have had a bunch of people play matches and e-mail their scores in. For those that haven't e-mailed the scores in, please do so or report the scores to us sometime at league tomorrow. Tomorrow is the last day to complete matches for the first week; those who have not completed their matches will be penalized. Also, please, PLEASE try to show up tomorrow because it is a huge opportunity to get the matches out of the way as well as hit a lot of winners in ... CLEAN WINNER (dorky comment, yeah I know). It is also a chance to hang out and catch up with all your long lost tennis friends (hehe) so please, try to be there. We hope to see everyone out there with a smile. If you are not happy and don't want to smile, then you are permitted to show up with some laughter ... at how much the A&M football team SUCKS (pardon my language). Anyway, have a good night and day till then.












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